hello. it has been 4 months now and i didnt do anything for md2020 which i feel shitty about.
i was originally gonna start releasing my weapon sprites on that day but i had second thoughts and wanted there to be more polish to the sheet itself, on top of adding more weapons.
i dont want to release it now, as currently everything is very messy and needs organizing and id feel like shit if i just release stuff unfinished.
i will release the weapon sprites regardless if people use them or not. probably better than just having them sit there in folder never to be used.
but i do have something i am going to release, its small but skip to the end if you want to see it. so i have been working on adding stuff, although not a whole lot during autumn months because i have school, but hopefully i can start making more stuff again soon
most of the stuff ive made right now was in august and early september.
im gonna go through these in no particular order.
so here is a cz-999(left) and a ez-9(right) both are copies of the sig p226.
not much of note except one is a copy(cz-999) and the other is a copy of a copy(ez-9).
this is a perazzi mx-8 trap shotgun o/u. i figured since i have a bolt action shotgun i might as well have an o/u and a s/s too.
except i havent made the s/s yet. :]
here is a charlton automatic rife, or car for short
ik it looks weird and dumb, id say its because it uses modified bren magazines.
its austrailian so i guess thats why its weird.
a fucile di fanteria mod. 91-38. there wasnt much reason for me to make a carcano, i mean if you want to say i made for the sole purpose of referencing that one time jfk got trickshotted then i guess so.
(if you are wondering, yes this was the rife that was used to game end mr kennedy)
this is the smith & wesson asp pistol. the grips were transparent so i figured i include that as well seeming its a cool feature if a bit pointless.
i mean you could say its like having windowed magazines but the mags themselves have cutouts in them so if you really need to check your rounds just unload the gun
or just remember that it holds seven fucking rounds and just count how many times you shoot in your head.
thats all the guns although not really. i just figured that i could highlight a few of the ones i though looked epic.
ok so the micro release thing.
ive been currently working on creating the fn fal, and after i finished that i made a bunch of paratrooper variants for it.
if you remember back a while ago i also had a dsa osw fal and an sa-58.
it doesnt contain a whole lot of stuff and its still complicated when it comes to the weapons themselves having multiple parts, so i suggest you tinker with them before acutally using them for animations.
its organized weird so use the library if thats what you fancy. also this sheet will not be updated at all, what is in there is what you get, future additions the fal family wont be included in that sheet, im only releasing to sort of give back to mc community i suppose, but also get peoples opinions on if the idea of having multiple moving weapon parts is a good idea and where i should improve and what not.
also you can credit but its not required.
thats all for now, enjoy the sheet, im going to now play stalker coc for 14 hours straight now bye byee/