i love chugging nyquil

kino @ClearSSky


swag lord


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more yummy guns

Posted by ClearSSky - July 28th, 2020

its been like 3 months i think, ive made more stuff.

if youre wondering when im ever going to make these sprites public, i will at some point. im torn on either releasing it in its current state, and from that update it from time to time with changes and new additions, or simply get as much done as possible and release it from there.

both of which still include updates, one just takes longer to release i guess.

so as of now, ill release these sprites after finishing up with the shotguns.


apart from sidearms and shotguns, i have a few assault rifles, pdw's, snipers, and an lmg. however i have not yet included them onto the stage and are just in the library for now.

right so the guns

iu_148726_7053697.pnga mossberg model 385k.

this is a bolt action shotgun made somewhere before 1973.

i only really made this because someone took a jab at the fact that the toz-106 exists, a bolt action, magazine fed shotgun. to the people that dont really do research and instead sit under boulders all day would just assume shotguns come in the semi to fully automatic, pump to magazine action.

the world of firearms is more complex than that that. simple actions such as the previous mention is just scratching the surface of what could be tried and tested.

i found this in a book i read.

iu_148727_7053697.pngthis is the ithaca model 37 home defense version.

this is one of my better shotguns, making pistol grip stocks arent something im used to, so its a good way to practice making them.

if you look closely, youll see no visible ejection port. thats because its on the underside of the receiver. this is to make the firearm easily usable by left handed users and prevent any injuries by expent shells.

i thought it was a kinda cool feature, even if its useless in the world of mc. minecraft

iu_148728_7053697.pngive also included a modernized variant. this is a fictional ithaca model 37 northern hemisphere, reference being the ithaca model 37 hogslayer.

its pretty much the exact same as the home defense version, instead it has polymer furniture and rails for the option of optical sights or a flashlight or something.

for anyone wondering why the name, its a reference to a game. if you can figure it out ill give you a kiss on the cheek.

tbh most the firearms ive made are refeerneces kinda.

iu_148729_7053697.pngthis is a izhmash saiga .410.

much like the saiga 12k, its only base difference being the ammunition type, of course internally its different, but that doesnt make it look any different on the outside, so ive included the polymer hunting furniture to make it distinct from the saiga 12k. ive also included 5 and 10rnd magazines for more options


iu_148731_7053697.pnga TsNIITochMash KS-23M.

this is a cool carbine shotgun. due to russian firearm classifications, this is a carbine, but also a shotgun. currently the shortest shotgun ive made even with the stock extended. not much worth of note here. its cool and compact i gueesss.

this is all for the shotguns rn, so here are some other weapons ive made.

moar pistols!! yaaaaay


a kbp gsh-18

a sleek looking pistol. ive come to notice that ive made a lot of russian weapons without knowing it.

its not a bad thing but just something to take into consideration. or dont. im not sure anymore.

iu_148733_7053697.pngan sfa 1911 trp operator.

now of all the variants of the 1911, m45a1, etc, why this one??

theres no real reason why, i guess why not really. i was thinking about making a 1911 for a while but i forgot all about its existence.

i started looking at the springfield armory website, specifically their 1911's they like advertising. there's a shit load of 1911 variants that i might make, who knows.

so i chose the trp operator variant, mostly due to its tacticool look and its underside rail.

iu_148734_7053697.pnga walther ppk/s

this is one of the many ppk's instead chambered in .380acp. its small, almost smaller than my dick, ha get it. thanks.

the og ppk in mc is proportionally incorrect. when its used in project nexus, its the size of a beer bottle, when in reality its a small as a pop can, the tiny ones if you know what im talking about.

what makes even less sense is when its used by animators. im not that much of an asshole so im not naming any names, not that anyone gives a shit what i say. but having a weapon as small as this have the same recoil a .45 colt government model would have makes no sense.

but hey everyone is entitled to their own style, this includes recoil, i aint gonna ground pound you for taking creative liberties, at least i wouldnt anymore. now i just dont really give a damn.

ok now two more things before i dissapear again.

iu_148735_7053697.pngi got round to making both the first and second generation walther wa2000's.

one my favourite rifles tbh, ive also made schmidt and bender optics to complete the whole set.

one is more compact than the other but both are still equally beautiful rifles.

alright, enough of that. this is all for now. its 4 am and im bored and have nothing else to do.

ive been currently working on something else apart from these weapons, by this i mean character spriites, i can make a post on that soon.

ok thats it

bye bye

ta ta.






I can't believe you've just called the KS-23 "compact".