hello, i have been gone a while. but dont worry because i managed to compile a proper sprite sheet! !! !!
currently the version of this sheet is 0.1.0 i figured id start there
this wasnt the first rendition of the layout, back when i started making these sprites in 2019 the layout was awful so this is a good improvement

the first frame on the sheet simply shows the new stuff that was added.
as i update the sheet with new weapons ill put them on the first frame so its easier to find.
there are different weapon classifications i.e: pistols, pdw's, and snipers. anything that falls into one of those categories will just go onto that frame where all the other guns of that category are. i think its kinda easier to navigate that way.
you can still use the library to find what youre looking for though

its in the WEAPONS folder
each weapon is inside the manufacturers folder, which is inside the weapons folder.
some weapons use parts from other weapons, so the m16a2 uses some parts (the stock) from the a1 version, just look through the m16a1 folder to find the specific part.
some parts arent in the weapon folders at all which i will have to properly organize at some point..
stuff like attachments; grips, optics, optic mounts, they arent put into any folder and are just in the library, finding what you need might be kinda hard. also some optics have the mount drawn into the symbol while some dont so be aware that some optics dont need a separate mount.

some magazines are also not categorized properly, some are but i think most arent, theyre easy to find, if you have the library set to sort by name, magazines show up at the top.
-some weapons have awful proportions these will be addressed soon for now just resize the weapon if you think its too big
-attachments and magazines have made it difficult to navigate the library
-some weapons are showing in age and are getting old, the AK-74 for example is getting old, a few pistols too, i will update these models soon
i think thats all i needed to say so here are a current list of every single firearm in this pack
Astra Constable
Astra Model .357
Beretta 92fs
Beretta M9A3
Beretta Fucile di Fanteria Mod. 91-38
Beretta Moschetto da Cavalleria Mod. 91
Black Horse Arsenal BHA KR54
Brügger & Thomet B&T MP9
Brügger & Thomet B&T TP9
Brügger & Thomet B&T TP9-N
Canadian Arsenals Ltd. C1D
Canadian Arsenals Ltd. C2A1D
Charlton Automatic Rifle
Chiappa Rhino 20DS
Colt CAR-15 Model 607
Colt CAR-15 Model 608 Survival Rifle
Colt CAR-15 Model 619 Commando
Colt CAR-15 Model 633 DOE
Colt CAR-15 Model 651
Colt M4 Carbine
Colt M4A1
Colt M16A1
Colt M16A2
Colt M16A3
Colt M16A4
Colt Model 655
Colt SIngle Action Army
Daniel Defense DDM4 V1
Daniel Defense DDM4 V4S
DS Arms SA-58 11" OSW
DS Arms SA-58 OSW
DSR-precision GmbH DSR-1
EDM ARMS M96 Windrunner
FN Herstal Browning BDA
FN Herstal Browning Hi Power
FN Herstal Browning M1900
FN Herstal Five-Seven
FN Herstal FN FAL 50.00
FN Herstal FN FAL Type 3 Para 13" OSW
FN Herstal FN FAL Type 3 Para 50.61
FN Herstal FN FAL Type 3 Para 50.62
FN Herstal FN FAL Type 3 Para 50.63
FN Herstal MK48 MOD 1
Franchi SPAS-12
General Motors M1A1 Carbine
Glock G17 Gen3
Government Arsenal NFWS Rifle
Heckler & Koch H&K 51
Heckler & Koch H&K 97
Heckler & Koch H&K G3
Heckler & Koch H&K G3A1
Heckler & Koch H&K G3A2
HS-Produkt Alka M-93 Kratka
HS-Produkt VHS-D
Hudson H9
IMI Desert Eagle .44
Ithaca M37 Home Defense
Ithaca M37 Norhtern Hemisphere
Izhevsk Mechanical Plant AK-74
Izhevsk Mechanical Plant AK-74M
Izhevsk Mechanical Plant Baikal MP-133
Izhevsk Mechanical Plant Baikal MP-153
Izhevsk Mechanical Plant Makarov PB
Izhevsk Mechanical Plant Makarov PM
Izhevsk Mechanical Plant PP-91-01
Izhevsk Mechanical Plant PPD-40
Izhevsk Mechanical Plant Saiga .410
Izhevsk Mechanical Plant Saiga 12ga Ver.
Izhevsk Mechanical Plant TT-33
KBP Instrument Design Bureau Gsh-18
KBP Instrument Design Bureau OTs-27 Berdysh
Knights Armament SR-30
LAR Manufacturing Inc LAR Grizzly MkI
LAR Manufacturing Inc LAR Grizzly MkI LongSlide
LAR Manufacturing Inc LAR Grizzly MkV
Łucznik PMM
M2 Corporation M16X
Magpul PDR-D
Manufacture d'armes de Bayonne PA-15
Mossberg Model 385k
Norinco QBZ-95
Norinco QBZ-95-B
Norinco Type 79
Norinco Type 84s
Olympic Arms K23P
Perazzi MX-8 Trap O-U
Savage Arms Corp. Model 170
SIG Sauer SIG MPX Pistol
Smith & Wesson ASP Pistol
Smith & Wesson Model 29
Spikes Tactical ST-15 10th Anniversary AR-15
Springfield Armoury 1911 TRP Operator
Steyr AUG A1
Taurus ART556
Troy Defense M16A2 SFO-D Carbine
TsNIITochMash KS-23M Carbine
Walther MPL
Walther P38
Walther PPK-S
Walther WA2000 First Generation
Walther WA2000 Second Generation
Winchester Deer Model 1200
Zastava EZ-9
Zastava M05E1
Zastava M05E2
Zastava M05E3
Zastava M17
Zastava M21
Zastava M21 BS
Zastava M21ABS-SBS
Zastava M21SMG
Zastava M83-03
Zastava M90
Zastava M808
Zastava Master FLG K
Zastava Master FLG P
Zastava Master FLGSD
Zenith Z-5k
ZiD AEK-919K
if you have any questions, need help with something or have a suggestion then ask away i have no issues with that
updates will be very far and few so im gonna make sure that when i do update it contains LOADS of content.