i love chugging nyquil

kino @ClearSSky


swag lord


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ClearSSky's News

Posted by ClearSSky - October 12th, 2022

HELLO ! ! ! ! ! ITS HERE



-Redesigned the entire weapon sheet

-Added Colt 1911 Government Model

-Added Colt Model 727

-Added Colt Model 933

-Added IMI UZI

-Added Dlask Arms DAR-701 Mini Moose

-Added VEB Geräte- und Werkzeugbau Wiesa StG-940

-Added Troy Defense CQB-SPC A1

-Added Vyatskiye Polyany Machine-Building Plant Stechkin Automatic Pistol

-Added Modlight Systems PL350 OKW Head Pistol Light

-Added Modlight Systems OKW-18650 Weapon Light

-Added APS Woodstock Holster

-Added Spikes Tactical Pipe Hitters Union SBR 8.1"

-Added Bolts to AR weapons that didnt have them previously

-Added Spare parts folders to all Colt AR platform weapons

-Added placeholder attachments folder

-second gen wa2000 mags were backwards oops

-Fixed Colt Model 608 Survival Rifle Missing Lines

-Fixed Colt Model 619 Front Sight Post

-Updated WA2000 Second Generation rifle to use .300 WIN MAG 6rnd instead of 7.5 Swiss

-Updated M05 rifles to use AK47 14X1 LH SLANT BRAKE as default muzzle device

-Edited Cetme Ameli

-Removed Rifle bullet from 5.56x45 200 Belt Ameli

-Removed M70 Muzzle brake

-Removed Forward assist showing up on left side of KA SR-30

-Removed AK-74M "inerds" bruh

-Removed Colt Model 633 DOE from Assautl rifles/Carbines section

-Renamed Weapons folder to Firearms

-Renamed M4A1 Base Left to M4A1 Carbine Base Left

-new wife : )


i decided to tidy things up a bit, and ive added proper attachments folders, as well as spare parts folders for every single weapon for making picking parts a lot easier.



ive also removed a lot of unnecessary symbols that i didnt include in the changelog because im really tired.

now. ive also moved everything over to a new document which helped in offloading a lot of the crap that was previously on the older sheet. however, theres a chance that i managed to MISS a few items when moving stuff over, and there might be some weapons missing parts because im retarded.... ..

i styled up the sheet too instead of just having you look at bland boring text its got colour ! ! ! and cool lines ! ! ! !!



sorry for updates being hella slow, and this one not having a whole lotta new stuff. i spent most that time fixing shit and got real tired of it so i just took a break half way through..

im gonna start making new cool and tactical shit in future ! !




Posted by ClearSSky - September 27th, 2022

YES YES I KNOW,, <<,....,.




im currently re-designing the whole sheet and its taking a lot longer than expected


idk when im gonna get it done tbh,,,, im fixing a lot of stuff. .. . ,, .



Posted by ClearSSky - July 29th, 2022

yeah this is good



-Added 7.62x51 10rnd PMAG 10 7,62 AC AICS Short Action Magazine

-Added 308 WIN. 4rnd Savage Arms 55232 Magazine

-Added Streamlight TLR-1 HPL Gun Light

-Added Colt CM901

-Added Colt LE901-16S

-Added Daniel Defense Delta 5 Pro .308 WIN Varmint

-Added FMAP FALMP III Type 2

-Added Howa M1500 Long Action

-Added IMBEL MD-2

-Added IMBEL MD-3

-Added Mauser Model 660 30-06 Deluxe

-Added Ithaca Model 37 Featherlight 28 Gauge

-Added Savage Arms Corp. Impulse Hog Hunter

-Added Savage Arms Corp. - M.D.E Impulse Thug Hunter

-Added Stoegar P-350 12GA Pump Shotgun

-Added Stoegar Double Defense SxS 12GA 20"

-Added Zastava M70 Battue

-Added Spare parts folders for some weapons

-Changed bolt on BHA KR54 to updated model

-G3A2 is no longer listed as G3A1 on stage

-Moved FÉG AMM Front grip forward

-Removed Duplicate bolt for DDM4 V4S

-Removed Duplicate selector switch for Maadi ARM

-Resized QBZ-95

-Resized- QBZ-95-B

-Renamed Springfield Armoury to Springfield Arsenal

-Updated Saiga 12ga ver, to use polymer AK-74M Folding Stock (this might be changed later)

-Updated Trigger for S&W ASP Pistol

-Updated Trigger for Walther P38 P1


so i was gonna try and dedicate this update to make more snipers, but eventually i wanted to make an fnc and i just made some 5.56x45 fals instead .


imbel is pretty popular from some of their other stuff, i wanted to make an fnc but i liked fal furniture. i then discovered a fal does exist in 5.56, the md series and the FALMP which is the argentinian version that takes aug mags (neato)


also i made a SxS shotgun. i realized i dont have one and i wanted to make one for a while but i just never got around to it. its also got rails so you can put your funny little accessories on it : D

idk what ill do for the next update, i guess ill just make whatever. i do want to make more machine guns too, the last one i made (mk48) was pretty good but took a lot out of me. .


ok, im gonna go take a nap now, bye bye. . ..



Posted by ClearSSky - July 18th, 2022


new gun for gun sprite shee t


Posted by ClearSSky - May 16th, 2022

im a little late but i wanted to add and fix more stuff compared to last time

Current Version: 0.1.2



-Added 5.45x39 30rnd 6L23 Izmash

-Added 5.45x39 30rnd 6L20 Izmash

-Added FN FALO 50.41

-Added FB Łucznik wz. 88 Tantal


-Added FÉG AMM

-Added Izhevsk AKS-74U

-Added KBP VSK-94

-Added KBP OTs-12 Tiss

-Added Maadi ARM

-Added Mauser Gewehr 71/84

-Added Mauser HSc Pistol

-Added PM md.63

-Added Smith & Wesson Model 4516

-Added ELCAN C79A2 3.4x Combat Optical Sight

-Added Zenit-Belomo POSP 8x42 Scope


-Changed the Zastava M90 to use updated AKM wood stock

-Changed default AK-74M magazine to updated 5.45x39 30rnd 6L23 Izmash

-Changed default AK-74M Goobas magazine to updated 5.45x39 30rnd 6L23 Izmash

-Changed default AK-74 magazine to updated 5.45x39 30rnd 6L20 Izmash

-Updated AK bolt

-Fixed Bolts not appearing on all AR platform rifles

-Fixed PPD-40 spelling errors (whoopsie)

-Fixed Zastava M21 Series selector switches

-Resized Fucile di Fanteria Mod. 91-38

-Resized Moschetto da Cavalleria Mod. 91

-Removed unneeded frames on layer 2

-Removed Duplicate PPD-40

-Removed pointless layers

-Removed old 5.45x39 magazines

-Renamed all layers

-Removed M70B1 stock

-Removed Zastava M70 Flash Hider

-More hidden schizo messages

-Moved Saiga 12ga ver. 10 12-76 safety to off

-Moved some text to (gun text) layer

-Moved AK-74M "Goobas" to Custom Weapons folder (M.D.E)

-Increased the length for 9x39mm 20rnd KBP 9A-91

-Renamed 5.45x39 45rnd 6L26 to include Izmash

-Renamed AK-74M AK9H to AK-74M "Goobas"

-Renamed Łucznik folder to Fabryka Broni Łucznik


This update was more focused around AK platform rifles, it started with me making an akm, but then decided instead of making (most) the ak's russian ones, why not ones from other countries ? ?

so instead of an akm and russian, its an arm from egypt

in the future i plan on replacing some of the old ak sprites outright, i might have already mentioned the ak74 and how old it looks, the wz. 88 is gonna replace that.

though i might just change my mind and make an ak74n instead, since most of the ak's ive made cant use the receiver optic mount.

i found that eastern bloc ak's are by themselves still quite interesting firearms like their russian counterpart, i didnt want to just make the russian guns, since everyone who gives a shit already knows they exist. they probably dont know much about those made my poland or romania.


obviously i made russian ak's here like the aks74u because im not aware of china making anything like that.

perhaps in the future ill make more weirder and obscure ak's cuz i think those are cool and more people should know about them ! !

for the next update, ill probably get back into making more AR platform rifles, as well as ones in 7.62x51

not 7.62x39 though idk maybe ill make those too, variety is always nice.

i got lots of plans, i also want to properly organize all the attachment pieces, as well as add more.


ok enjoy the new guns bye


Posted by ClearSSky - April 25th, 2022


very soon

im getting it done ! !



Posted by ClearSSky - March 23rd, 2022

hey there, ive returned with more weapons ! ! ! ! !

Current Version: 0.1.1



This update was less generalized as in i just made whatever i wanted.

future updates will have more specific types of firearms like pistols one update and shotguns for another.

keep in mind i will go insane making the same weapon type over and over again so i might continue to add whatever i think is interesting regardless of what weapon type it is.


-Added weapon and manufacturer counter

-Added Custom Weapons Folder

-Changed Shotgun page text to be less intrusive

-Fixed Pistol Page layout

-Added CR223

-Added Šokac

-Added Model 51 Featherlight

-Added 9A-91

-Added MAC-11A1

-Added Military Armament Corporation .380 ACP Atlanta Suppressor

-Added Stevens Model 77C

-Added AS-Val

-Added Hyde Caliber .30 Light Rifle

-Added M.D.E to Custom Weapons folder

-Added Model 37 Peace Walker

-Added AN-94

-Added RPK-74M

-Added MAS-38

-Added SureFire XC1 Ultra - Compact LED Handgun Flashlight

-Added Swarosvski Z3 3-10x42m Riflescope

-Added Midwest Industries 1" 1.5" 0 MOA QD Cantilever Mount, Black

i may have also done other things (minor tweeks) but ive forgotten what they were, and i never wrote them down oopsie, ,, ..

the next update im gonna start fixing some of the older weapons as some are too big and look weird, ill also make more lmgs.

ok so thats pretty much, again ive probably forgotten something that i should disclose here but i have no idea what it, im not very good at this but please be patient okie buye bye ! !




Posted by ClearSSky - February 15th, 2022

hello, i have been gone a while. but dont worry because i managed to compile a proper sprite sheet! !! !!





currently the version of this sheet is 0.1.0 i figured id start there

this wasnt the first rendition of the layout, back when i started making these sprites in 2019 the layout was awful so this is a good improvement


the first frame on the sheet simply shows the new stuff that was added.

as i update the sheet with new weapons ill put them on the first frame so its easier to find.

there are different weapon classifications i.e: pistols, pdw's, and snipers. anything that falls into one of those categories will just go onto that frame where all the other guns of that category are. i think its kinda easier to navigate that way.

you can still use the library to find what youre looking for though


its in the WEAPONS folder

each weapon is inside the manufacturers folder, which is inside the weapons folder.

some weapons use parts from other weapons, so the m16a2 uses some parts (the stock) from the a1 version, just look through the m16a1 folder to find the specific part.

some parts arent in the weapon folders at all which i will have to properly organize at some point..

stuff like attachments; grips, optics, optic mounts, they arent put into any folder and are just in the library, finding what you need might be kinda hard. also some optics have the mount drawn into the symbol while some dont so be aware that some optics dont need a separate mount.


some magazines are also not categorized properly, some are but i think most arent, theyre easy to find, if you have the library set to sort by name, magazines show up at the top.


-some weapons have awful proportions these will be addressed soon for now just resize the weapon if you think its too big

-attachments and magazines have made it difficult to navigate the library

-some weapons are showing in age and are getting old, the AK-74 for example is getting old, a few pistols too, i will update these models soon

i think thats all i needed to say so here are a current list of every single firearm in this pack

Astra Constable

Astra Model .357



Beretta 92fs

Beretta M9A3

Beretta Fucile di Fanteria Mod. 91-38

Beretta Moschetto da Cavalleria Mod. 91

Black Horse Arsenal BHA KR54

Brügger & Thomet B&T MP9

Brügger & Thomet B&T TP9

Brügger & Thomet B&T TP9-N

Canadian Arsenals Ltd. C1D

Canadian Arsenals Ltd. C2A1D


Charlton Automatic Rifle

Chiappa Rhino 20DS

Colt CAR-15 Model 607

Colt CAR-15 Model 608 Survival Rifle

Colt CAR-15 Model 619 Commando

Colt CAR-15 Model 633 DOE

Colt CAR-15 Model 651

Colt M4 Carbine

Colt M4A1

Colt M16A1

Colt M16A2

Colt M16A3

Colt M16A4

Colt Model 655

Colt SIngle Action Army



Daniel Defense DDM4 V1

Daniel Defense DDM4 V4S

DS Arms SA-58 11" OSW

DS Arms SA-58 OSW

DSR-precision GmbH DSR-1

EDM ARMS M96 Windrunner

FN Herstal Browning BDA

FN Herstal Browning Hi Power

FN Herstal Browning M1900

FN Herstal Five-Seven

FN Herstal FN FAL 50.00

FN Herstal FN FAL Type 3 Para 13" OSW

FN Herstal FN FAL Type 3 Para 50.61

FN Herstal FN FAL Type 3 Para 50.62

FN Herstal FN FAL Type 3 Para 50.63

FN Herstal MK48 MOD 1

Franchi SPAS-12

General Motors M1A1 Carbine

Glock G17 Gen3

Government Arsenal NFWS Rifle

Heckler & Koch H&K 51

Heckler & Koch H&K 97

Heckler & Koch H&K G3

Heckler & Koch H&K G3A1

Heckler & Koch H&K G3A2

HS-Produkt Alka M-93 Kratka

HS-Produkt VHS-D

Hudson H9

IMI Desert Eagle .44

Ithaca M37 Home Defense

Ithaca M37 Norhtern Hemisphere

Izhevsk Mechanical Plant AK-74

Izhevsk Mechanical Plant AK-74M

Izhevsk Mechanical Plant Baikal MP-133

Izhevsk Mechanical Plant Baikal MP-153

Izhevsk Mechanical Plant Makarov PB

Izhevsk Mechanical Plant Makarov PM

Izhevsk Mechanical Plant PP-91-01

Izhevsk Mechanical Plant PPD-40

Izhevsk Mechanical Plant Saiga .410

Izhevsk Mechanical Plant Saiga 12ga Ver.

Izhevsk Mechanical Plant TT-33

KBP Instrument Design Bureau Gsh-18

KBP Instrument Design Bureau OTs-27 Berdysh

Knights Armament SR-30

LAR Manufacturing Inc LAR Grizzly MkI

LAR Manufacturing Inc LAR Grizzly MkI LongSlide

LAR Manufacturing Inc LAR Grizzly MkV

Łucznik PMM

M2 Corporation M16X

Magpul PDR-D

Manufacture d'armes de Bayonne PA-15

Mossberg Model 385k

Norinco QBZ-95

Norinco QBZ-95-B

Norinco Type 79

Norinco Type 84s

Olympic Arms K23P

Perazzi MX-8 Trap O-U

Savage Arms Corp. Model 170


SIG Sauer SIG MPX Pistol

Smith & Wesson ASP Pistol

Smith & Wesson Model 29

Spikes Tactical ST-15 10th Anniversary AR-15

Springfield Armoury 1911 TRP Operator

Steyr AUG A1

Taurus ART556

Troy Defense M16A2 SFO-D Carbine

TsNIITochMash KS-23M Carbine

Walther MPL

Walther P38

Walther PPK-S

Walther WA2000 First Generation

Walther WA2000 Second Generation

Winchester Deer Model 1200

Zastava EZ-9

Zastava M05E1

Zastava M05E2

Zastava M05E3

Zastava M17

Zastava M21

Zastava M21 BS

Zastava M21ABS-SBS

Zastava M21SMG

Zastava M83-03

Zastava M90

Zastava M808

Zastava Master FLG K

Zastava Master FLG P

Zastava Master FLGSD

Zenith Z-5k

ZiD AEK-919K

if you have any questions, need help with something or have a suggestion then ask away i have no issues with that

updates will be very far and few so im gonna make sure that when i do update it contains LOADS of content.


Posted by ClearSSky - September 21st, 2021

hi!! !!!! i am still herer!

today i bring more guns!

this is mostly a post towards all sorts of m4/m16 and ar15 weapons and variants ive been working on the last couple months, particularly from may to august, i havent got much done september, and i dont have a release for the weapons yet as its very unorganized, and i want to get it all laid out before i release it.

i dont want to release a sprite pack that just ends up confusing people, this is on top of the already complicated sprites.

although this isnt a release post, there is a minor checklist of things i need to finish before i feel comfortable releasing them


-better library organization

-Complete G3 platform (not including copies, i.e: cetme, Century Arms, etc)

-Complete G36 platform

-make a 416

-make more foregrips

it might not seem that short but i could probably get all this done in a month if i put my mind to it.

not this month but like october yeah h.



So stated in the list above i mentioned finishing the g3 platform. This is pretty much what i have right now.

the guns shown specifically are the HK G3 (bottom) and the HK G3A1 (top). trying to find proper images of a true to life "G3" is a challenge but i'd say i did an alright job.

my only issue with this is the scaling between the hardstock and the handguard and barrel assembly. to me the handguard and barrel are smaller than the stock. I have come to the conclusion that this is just how first generation G3's looked as most images ive seen with the old wood handguards and stocks kinda have the weird scaling.

when i start getting into the G3A2's and G3A3's it should look better.


COLT M16A2. . .. ...

this post is mostly about my current (and completed) COLT rifles collection, i still plan on expanding to other manufacturers.

just a standard m16a2, all i really did was change the handguard.


COLT M16A3. .. ......

okay this is a cool one cuz i made two different carryhandle attachments. I made them because i wanted you to be able to add optics to these weapons if you decided to use them for a character or something.

both of these were at some point used amongst us military forces, probably around the early 2000's. This one also has an actual railed handguard.

you might be asking """""why not make the railed receiver as welllell???!??""

well then its not a true m16a3.

that Knights Armament handguard isnt stock sure, but the M16A3 is just an M16a2 with a full auto function. so the same recievers still apply i guess, plus i wanted to make them look different from each other.


COLT M16A4. .. ....

the m16a3 wasnt dark enough so i made sure the m16a4 was darker.

this one has both the railed handguard AND railed receiver! ! !!!!! 11 !

again just a m16 but cool i thinkk k


COLT M4 Carbine /. ...

i didnt forget about the carbines okay

a shortened m16a4.


Colt M4A1

OH YEAH i also made an m203 which works for both the m16's and m4's! ! just make sure the barrel is the correct length before using.

i didnt make any grenade sprites for it whicj i should probably get on that


Spikes Tactical ST-15 10th Anniversary AR-15

this gun i only made because it was in the chinese anime game.

i know that it is supposed to come with an angled foregrip. but i dont like magpul and mlok stuff so i MAY make it one day

whenever i tried looking for this gun online i got three different results


-a different gun, made by the SAME company with the SAME name.

-someone trying to RECREATE the gun, and doing a mediocre job :) )



this IS a DDM4, just not the "oh shit omg is that the mk18???!?!"

yes, it is made by Daniel Defense (damn that man), and yes it sort of has the same handguard but it is different,,,,

you see, i only really made this gun because it left room for using the base front sight gas block. I like the default m4 gas block. i dont like aftermarket ones that just resemble a block. they look ugly (opinionin)



this is what most people think of when the think of the DDM4 or even MK18.

this one HAS the shortened DDM4 handguard much like the previous gun above, and apart from that is a basic m4 rifle.

alright. i didnt have pictures of the g36 because i havent got to work on it yet (Sorryy) but i will once i finish the G3's.

okay so im gonna go to bed now.

ill be back in about a month or two, bueeue byeebye



Posted by ClearSSky - May 22nd, 2021

i'll be honest i comepletely forgot about this website my bad :(


within the span of 5 months ive been able to get more stuff done


one of the first weapons i made after the last post was an ak74m. it works well with the various handguard modifications i made, i also made an ak9 handguard which i dont have a picture of

oh yeah i also made an ass ton of attachments because theyre easier to make than the guns themselves.

ive also come to notice that some of the attachments like magazines consist of less detail than others, the 45rnd 5.45 mags are more detailed than the 30rnd mags that just look like slabs of concrete.

ill update them at some point and make more mags tooo.



the top photo is a GSG-522SD and the one below it being the GSG-5.

i made sure to make the sliding stock for it since just having the end cap would kinda be lame. i didnt make a solid polymer stock, i thought about but it, but i got lazy

no shut the fuc up.

i like hk in terms of the weapons they make, themselves as a company sucks on a whole other level.

when they initially released the SP5, it had been decades since the mp5 platform made its debut, all the while there were various other companies that made mp5 copies, (some pretty cool like some are in 10mm auto which i like) and some of those ended up being better than original mp5's.

ok enough bullshit, the weapons here arent hk weapons but copies made by GSG imported by ATI (i think i dont remember which did what tbh)


WOW MP5K?!?!?!?!

its a Zenith Z-5k. The sliding stock that was made for the GSG-5 fits on here although due to the receiver being shorter than the GSG-5

also this one is "stronger" than the GSG-5 and GSG-522 as this is chambered in 9x19mm when the other ones are just in .22lr

pleas dont slap them :(


i made some more modern stuff too, this is a Magpul PDR-D chambered in 5.56x45.

i also made a 20rnd pmag just for this gun. The weapon itself is pretty cool, mine is a little big, but thats usually the case with madness characters, if you plan on using this weapon make sure to resize it.

it als comes in a cool holster made by Magpul i found it on a pdf file for the gun.


this is a croatian smg from the 90s, when croatia broke off from the rest of yugoslavia, they had to make their own guns since they no longer had access to zastava weapons.

This one in particular is a IM-metal Alka M-93 Kratka (made by IM-metal in croatia) and saw service with the croatian military when it was still looking for weapons they could standarize their military with. apparently, those who used this, liked it.

i wanna make more absurd eastern european weapons, (albania and france).


right so this here is a Colt M16A1, nothing noteworthy i guess but i figured if i wanted to start making m4s and m16s i should start from the first versions and then go upward, instead of just going straight to 21st century stuff i think idk.

once i make an M16A2 and A3 ima make the handguard be compatible with the M16A1, so you can make it look like paul harrel's m16a1 if you want.


this Colt CAR-15 Model 607 is alot like the model 635 or XM177, but this was the earliest variant i can find, its also based off of the M16A1 platform.

this gun was interesting to me cuz of the shortened barrel, odd handguard and the stock assembly. this gun was criticized for the handguard being too fragile, and stock (while adjustable) was too complex to use and was soon replaced by better variants like the M16 Carbine (CAR-15) or XM177 or something.


they also have removable front sight gas blocks, WITH VISIBLE GAS TUBES!!1!!11!

i dont have any other gas blocks rn, most in part because a lot of them look ugly but once i get to like an MK18 or something ill start making more gas blocks.

thats all rn im starting to drift my focus onto making SMGS and PDWS but ill still work on adding handguns and shotguns.

in the future i wanna make more m4 and m16 variants and maybe even the beautiful C7 and C8 weapon platforms.

i also wanna make more guns from like gfl or something cuz some of the characters are pretty hot i guess :)

hope this was sort of informative, sorry for being gone way too long, ill be back soon with more i promise :))))))))


ok byebye
